"I believe that it is important to exercise our right to vote, but I firmly believe it is more important to exercise our right to pray.
"Tonight @ The WELL, Square One will lead us in a time of music and worship, but we are also going to have a time of prayer.
I am heavily burdened over this upcoming election, and I want all of us to pray for the four presidential/vice presidential candidates as well as those politicians running for city, county and state elections. We NEED to pray ... we need to pray for our country....and we need to pray for the protection of these individuals; and we especially need to pray that God will be honored through it all.
"Come to The WELL tonight...I am going to do my best to get us out early enough so we can be home to watch the vice-presidential debate.
"Remember to bring your Bibles...we're starting a new series from Romans 7. "
In HIS service,
Tim Brady
PS: Operation Christmas Child is collecting candy (no chocolate) and toys that fit in a shoebox (no war toys or toy snakes.)